AI chance added to lots of Army/Navy techs. AI will now turn off subsidies more intelligently Added more AI chance factors to techs, mainly to encourage late game factory unlockers. All AI countries will no longer pick the same option on events that all countries get simulatiously. National focus AI will now remove focus from colonization attempts that are far behind an opponents colonization attempt of the same region. AI should now research naval techs correctly. AI will now recruit as many generals as possible. Tweaked the AI logic for techs and Gas. Many bug fixes, game balance tweaks and interface improvements Artillery is now a more useful unit, and mobilization does not punish sparsely populated countries as much

Pop promotion and assimilation have received a major overhaul Socialists can now back political reforms and Liberals can do social reforms (though each less than the other) New system for how gun boat diplomacy and bankruptcies work Economy system rebalanced, with support for proper free-market adaption Improved AI for economy and military matters